
Management Buy-out in Low-Code Business Software Company

HUSS is a Dutch low-code Business Software Company, founded in 2007 by Mr. Jasper Huijser as HUijser Software Solutions and is specialized in .NET software development solving complex challenges for SME companies in connecting and integrating their existing software application landscape and data streams.

After having managed developed the company over 15 years, Mr. Huijser, decided to hand over the company to existing management that could lead the company throughout the next phase of growth while finding a new shareholder that could support the company’s growth ambitions. During the sales process, Mr. Huijser chose to partner with ESquare and remain involved in the next phase of growth as an active investor in his own company as an entrepreneur in residence.

Mr. Huijser is no longer is involved in daily operations and management of HUSS anymore, which was not his key strength, but will remain strategically involved with ESquare regarding the growth of HUSS, new investments in Software and IT, as well as technology strategy and technology due diligence. ESquare values Mr. Huijser’s continued involvement and knowledge sharing while looking for new investment opportunities together.

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Companies want to digitize and automate their business processes and are looking for tailored business software solutions with true added value at an attractive price.
